Jean-Michel Kandin

Expert in Audiovisual, Telecommunications & Digital Strategy


Jean-Michel Kandin is the Director of distribution and strategic projects to the President of Radio France.

Member of the COMEX, Jean-Michel has an experience of 35 years in the audiovisual media industry (digital strategy, management, broadcasting, radio, television), and has mainly held strategic and technical management positions.

From 2008 to 2019, Jean-Michel held the position of Deputy Director General of Radio France, in charge of new techniques and technologies (700 employees): technical and IS department at the headquarters for the 6 national radios (France Inter, France Culture, France Musique, France info, FIP, Mouv’) as well as the 44 local stations of the France Bleu network, production studios and concert halls for the musical groups of Radio France.

From 1997 to 2008, Jean-Michel worked for the Lagardère Group. After joining Lagardère Active Broadcast as Director of Technical and General Services, Jean-Michel was appointed Deputy Director of Lagardère Active in 2007, in particular in charge of television and digital radio projects.

From 1989 to 1997, Jean-Michel held the post of Deputy Secretary General of the NRJ group. He is one of the founders in 1992 of the Towercast broadcasting subsidiary. Towercast is a French leader on the market for terrestrial broadcasting of television channels.

Jean-Michel participated, in 1985, in the creation of Radio Nostalgie, as a partner and administrative and financial director, then as general secretary.

Jean-Michel holds a DEA in economics and an Executive MBA CPA-HEC (Lagardère Groupe).