Jean-Luc Polleux
Expert in Optoelectronics & Photonics
Jean-Luc Polleux is administrator of Optics Valley, Ile-de-France region, and head of the international master of Electronics of ESIEE Paris – UPE. He co-organized three international workshops, co-chaired the French National Microwave Conference, JNM, in 2013, and chaired and co-chaired the Career Platform of EuMW in 2015 and 2016. He is Associate Editor for the Silicon-Based Optoelectronics Special Issue of the SPIE Journal of Nanophotonics and is animating the Institute DIAMON, a Paris Region French Cluster of Research, from 2015.
Jean-Luc Polleux brings his expertise on Photonics, PIC Systems, Photonic-Microwave (Parallel architectures, distributions and synchronization, Optical Computing, replacement of electrical functions by optics, etc), Photonic / Electronic Convergence, Semiconductor technologies and physics, Relations with European foundries, Hybrid packaging and hybrid integration technologies (electrical or photonic silicon-interposer).
Jean-Luc Polleux has other competences on Parallel computing (using GPUs for processing, DSPs, FPGAs for stock market flows, etc.) and Artificial Intelligence.
He joined ESIEE-Paris at Université Paris-Est (UPE), France, and the joint laboratory ESYCOM. He is now associate professor. His current research involves microwave-photonics devices and systems for Radio-over-Fibre applications with special emphasis on microwave phototransistors (SiGe/Si and InGaAs/InP), Silicon-based integration and packaging, analogue VCSELs and opto-microwave devices modelling. He published over 90 scientific publications and 2 patents.
Jean-Luc Polleux holds a Master degree / Diplôme d’ingénieur in microelectronic from ENSEIRB, Bordeaux, France, and the DEA degree in electronic and telecommunications from the University of Bordeaux 1, France, since 1997. He also holds a Ph.D. degree in opto-microwave from CNAM, Paris, since 2001.
ESIEE (École Supérieure d’Ingénieurs en Electrotechnique et Electronique) was created in 1904 and has immediately distinguished itself as an engineering school focused on innovation and entrepreneurship. More Recently, a graduate Yann LeCun, made the news by creating the Facebook Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. ESIEE is also recognized as the first engineering school from which French entrepreneurs graduated at the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas. In November 2018, ESIEE signed a new company chair with IBM France entitled “AI and prescriptive analytics” in the presence of Nicolas SEKKAKI, the President of IBM France.