Emmanuel Mazer

Expert in Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Emerging autonomous & cognitive Computing Technologies


Emmanuel Mazer (born in 1953) is a senior researcher at CNRS and INRIA. He defended two doctoral dissertations in Robotics in 1981 and 1989. He stayed at the Artificial Intelligence Department of the University of Edinburgh and was a fellow researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for 3 years. He is a founder of several high-tech companies in France and abroad.
Emmanuel Mazer was part of the European projects BIBA (Bayesian Inspired Brain and Artefact), BACS (Bayesian Approach to Cognitive Systems) and BAMBI (Bottom-up Approaches to Machines dedicated to Bayesian Inference).

Within ProbaYes, he contributed to several industrial projects involving computational geometry and Bayesian inference techniques. He participated to the design and implementation of ProBT: a software allowing the interpretation of the Bayesian programs. His current interest is on the design of a probabilistic machine with the MicroBayes project (https://persyval-lab.org/en/sites/content/microbayes/) and Hawai.tech (a start-up from CNRS). He also works on coherent optical parallel computing with Probayes in the framework of the H2020 project COPAC (http://www.copac.ulg.ac.be/).

At INRIA, Emmanuel Mazer is part of the Pervasive Interaction project which develops theories and models for context aware, sociable interaction with systems and services that are composed of ordinary objects that have been augmented with abilities to sense, act, communicate and interact with humans and with the environment (smart objects). The ability to interconnect smart objects makes it possible to assemble new forms of systems and services in ordinary human environments.

About INRIA:

INRIA is the French National Institute for computer science and applied mathematics, promoting scientific excellence and technology transfer to maximise its impact. It employs 2,400 people. Its 200 agile project teams, generally with academic partners, involve more than 3,000 scientists in meeting the challenges of computer science and mathematics, often at the interface of other disciplines. INRIA works with many companies and has assisted in the creation of over 160 startups over the recent years. It strives to meet the challenges of the digital transformation of science, society and the economy.